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3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Facebook Audience Without Paying for Social Ads

Facebook’s organic reach is shrinking. You can officially trace this trend to a June 2016 announcement, in which Facebook Engineering Director Lars Backstrom confirmed that business pages will appear less frequently in users’ newsfeeds. But truth be told, the organic reach of business pages was faltering long before this announcement.

Regardless of how long pages have been losing their influence, apartment communities need to do what they can to push back. Here’s a look at three ways you can grow your apartment’s Facebook audience without paying for social ads.

Post More Videos

Publishing video-based content will increase engagement, plain and simple. More than half of your Facebook impressions are mobile. The users behind these impressions either don’t have the time to read a 1,000 word post, or have little interest in doing so. But by posting videos to Facebook, you can grab their attentions.

Posting videos to Facebook is just as easy as posting text. You can either share a video from somewhere around the Internet, or get creative and make a video on your own. If the latter seems a bit too complicated, check out this quick guide on how to make engaging Facebook videos from scratch.

Reach Out to Potential Followers

Adding more followers is another way to grow your organic reach. This makes perfect sense: The more followers you have, the more people see your posts.

Growing your followers is much more complicated than simply requesting random people to like your page. You want followers who will actually enjoy your posts, engage with them, and maybe even share them with their friends. To find these potential followers, take a look at engagement data for previously published posts. If you find someone who liked one of your older posts but never made a connection, send him or her an invite to like your page.

Segment Your Audiences

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Choosing who sees your posts also has a positive effect on reach.  People who are interested in a certain topic will be more likely to engage with that topic. And if you can segment your audience so that posts appear only on select newsfeeds, you’ll see a higher engagement rate overall.

While many are aware that you can segment audiences for your apartment Facebook ads, few know that you can also segment audiences for your organic posts. Facebook allows you to optimize your audience by selecting preferences and restrictions. Preferences allow you to tag each post with applicable interest categories, while restrictions allow you to limit the visibility of your posts based on demographics.

For example, let’s pretend you’re an apartment manager who runs an off-campus housing  community near a major college. You want to publish a post about an upcoming football game, but you don’t want the post to display to non-students. With the segment feature, you could filter the post’s audience so that it’s only displayed to current students who are interested in the team.

Regain Control

By following the tips above, apartment social media marketers can offer relevant and engaging content that their renters will absolutely love. As more people interact with this content, your community’s page will regain control of social media and appear in user newsfeeds more often.